
The 2023 RevOps Salary & Career Guide

See up-to-date salary benchmarks and learn how to build your team or grow your RevOps career

SetSail RevOps Career

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RevOps is leading the ship through choppy waters.

Are you onboard?

Companies who have built a RevOps team have reported 30% reductions in GTM expenses, leading many organizations, especially in B2B and SaaS, to expand or start their investments in RevOps. 

As RevOps becomes more ubiquitous, many candidates and managers are faced with a variety of questions in this booming, yet still relatively new, industry.

So how does one get a career in RevOps or build and scale a RevOps team with top talent?

It starts with understanding what the career path and necessary skills are and what technologies can be used to help teams be more productive.

This guide will cover:

      • The RevOps career framework
      • RevOps salary benchmarks
      • The skills you need to succeed in RevOps
      • How to build & scale a RevOps team
      • Optimizing the RevOps tech stack
      • What’s next in RevOps?
